Tuesday, December 4, 2007

War On Christmas

Every once in awhile, as a kind of endurance thing, I'll listen to American Family Radio. Today, I endured almost 45 seconds of bs. This pretend war on Christmas crap is really annoying me. Everywhere I look, I see Christmas crap, and to pretend that Season's Greetings or Happy Holidays is oppressing Christianity is so utterly and totally ridiculous that I don't see how anyone can believe it.

Oh, yeah, I'm some great martyr for Christianity--wishing people a Merry Christmas. A regular St. Stephen.

The really bizarre thing is that to me nothing gets in the way of celebrating the birth of Christ than the commercialization of the holiday. Do they really want ads saying "Celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior with Hitman II, now in stores"?

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