Sunday, December 2, 2007

On being 42

I got carded yesterday, on my birthday. I don't think they really thought I wasn't legal. Maybe it was one of those if you appear under 30, we ask for ID things. But I realized I have now been legal as long as I wasn't legal. There's no significance to that.

I think I'm in the third phase of birthday. When you're young, you look forward to them. Birthdays mean presents and new privileges--driving, R rated movies, voting, drinking, renting a car. Then, birthdays mean your closer to death. Now, It's back to presents, and an excuse to self-indulge a little. 42? Eh, not much different from 41. And I have absolutely no interest in being 19 again.

I think since the book is going pretty well, and I even did some work on it over the weekend, I'm more inclined to see it as another day, but with someone else making me sausage.

Oh, and the Scotch I bought myself for a birthday present (Balvenie 10) is really, really good. I highly recommend it.

One other thing about this blog--as one of the comments (hey I have readers! woohoo!) says, and consistent with my basic attitude towards life, I'm going to keep it short.


Brian said...

do you view yourself as middle aged or not there yet?

I ask because middle age seems to be thought of as someone in their early 50's, but most folks dont live to be 100 so I dont think it should be considered middle aged.

Paul said...

I haven't thought about being middle aged. I don't think that term applies to me. Not now, not ever.