Monday, November 17, 2008

I spend time in airports

So I went to Boston this weekend, and to get there, I spent time in airports. Lots of times, in part for reasons having to do with planes not being fixed in time to fly me where I want to go, but in part because of how I planned my trip and my paranoia about missing a flight.

So, what is there to say about airports? Or, specifically, Logan in Boston, DFW, and Little Rock Regional? Well, Little Rock has a nice little brew pub type bar, but I wasn't there long enough to enjoy it. DFW is like a mall, and gates are far apart, I presume to make room for all the stores. Of A, B, and D, A terminal has the fewest places to eat, but it does have these chairs that allow you to put your feet up. D terminal has all kinds of crap, and B has a few places to get a beer, but nothing really exciting.

Logan, however, had sushi. So I ate airport sushi. How was it? Expensive. But OK. I mean, I'm not sick or anything. I am not the kind of person who talks to strangers much, but I try to be friendly if someone initiates a conversation. But only one guy wanted to talk during my airport hours. And none of my seat companions had anything to say.

So this might be the most boring blog post ever.


Brian said...

I guess you must have trouble finding direct flights from Bumfuckville? It isn't too often I have to get a connecting flight but I hate it when I do. (and it's usually because I'm going to a city like Bumfuckville. Best advice for airports- pack a sandwhich or some granola bars and butch up for the travel time. It's not worth eating at airports or on planes. (if you can even find a meal on a plane these days) It's best to spend your money on booze instead.

Paul said...

Direct flights are rare--they exist for New York and Philly, but with departure times at 6 am. And none to Boston.